Him you start to invest, should ask yourself a few questions which will help in selecting the method of and investing targets . First ask yourself question what have experience in investing capital? If you are just starting, appropriate to put yourself in the hands of experts, who will guide your investment portfolio. If however you have already tried own hands on the stock market or other investment market, then refresh news, find out about prevailing in the market situation and act!
Don't forget the risks and think about how high you are able to bear. Investing money aggressive is profitable, however it is associated with significant risk of losing savings, which confirms Roman Ziemian. For much more shielding stock exchange players favors bonds or bank deposits. Important are also the funds you want to spend on investments. Correct, if they come from a budget surplus, so that a domestic crisis, there is no need to withdraw working money. Investments bring various profits, the result, taking into account the undertaken risk investment, form should be considered.